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Blackmores Sydney Running Festival

One of the world’s most spectacular running festivals on the race calendar – Sun 20 September 2015. Taking in historic landmarks including the Harbour Bridge, Opera House, Mrs Macquarie’s Chair and the Royal Botanic Gardens… ranking it highly on the race calendar. The Gold-Label Blackmores Sydney Running Festival is one of our favourites… and best of all, it’s on our doorstep! If you’re looking to run a marathon, half-marathon or join the family for the 9km Bridge Run – we’ve got a training program for you. We make it fun, inclusive, progressive and achievable. Our main goal is to support you in getting to the start line feeling fit, strong, prepared, injury-free… and then over the finish line having achieved your goal.   What training programs are available? Marathon (42km) – 15 week program, starts Sat 6 June Half-Marathon (21km) – 12 week program, starts Sat 27 June Bridge Run (9km) – 8 week program, starts Sat 25 July What is included in the training? Weekly training sessions Marathon/Half Marathon – Tues intervals | Sat long runs Bridge Run (family) – Sat intervals Structured training focusing on strength, speed and endurance Strong emphasis on technique and proper running form Important guidance on mental skills, pacing, injury prevention, recovery, race prep Valuable tips on nutrition and hydration Ongoing motivational support What is the training cost? Marathon – Unlimited Pass + $60 top-up (Race-FIT 42km) Half-Marathon – Unlimited Pass + $30 top-up (Race-FIT 21km) Bridge Run – $200 family (2 adults and 2 siblings) | $140 individuals Full package information How do I register? Register directly online – select Program → Standard Package ($) → and/or Seasonal Offer ($). You will also need to register separately for the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival – early bird expires 31 July 2015. Together we can! Join our awesome running team today! 

Pub2Pub Fun Run & Festival

Our favourite community fun run is on again – Sun 23 August 2015! This year it is bigger and better. Finishing at the Newport Surf Club, with a real festival atmosphere. Yay! Training for the 14.5km event starts on Sat 27 June. Our 8-week training program targets the entire family – mum, dad & siblings (10yr+). It is fun, energy-packed and progresses gradually – you’ll be having so much fun, you won’t even know you’re training! What is included in the training? Weekly family training sessions on Saturdays, 2-3pm Fun training sessions targeting the whole family (Dad’s too!) Strong emphasis on correct technique and good running form Guidance on pacing, injury prevention, recovery, race prep and mental skills Valuable tips on nutrition, race gear… and having fun 🙂 Ongoing motivational support and BEXI inspiration What is the training cost? The cost of the 8-week family training program is $200 – this INCLUDES a family of 4 (2 adults and 2 siblings). Individuals can join at $140. How do I register? Register directly online, select PROGRAM and SEASONAL OFFER ($). You will also need to register separately for the Pub2Pub Fun Run – early bird expires 5 July. It’s the little memories that will last a lifetime – commit now!    

This Girl is not for Quitting!

Felicity Douglas is one very gutsy and determine lady! A mother of 4 x very active teens, a wife, a business owner, an  inspirational BEXI (Beauty of Exercise) runner… and also someone who has Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Her world was rocked 10yrs ago when she was diagnosed, but with the support of her family, friends and a fiercely ‘I-will-succeed’ attitude – Felicity has gone on to accomplish a huge number achievements in her life. Below is Felicity’s recent account of her awesome PB at the SMH Half-Marathon: Early Sunday morning I lined up for the SMH Half Marathon. The race had been a long time coming! I had commenced training with the Canberra Race-Fit crew in January but had not traveled to Canberra. Training had been a mixed bag, full commitment is hard with 4 kids and work, but you need to accept that you can only do what you can. I love the Race-Fit training and was very inspired by the other BEXI Runners. I lined up in the Blue (fast) start – this was ambitious, but starting in the slower group the previous year proved frustratingly slow. After a fast start… I was feeling fantastic and confident of a great time until I hit about the 12-14km mark. The quick start and the hills then caught up with me. I was hitting the wall – and literally had to repeat my mantra “one foot after another”. I didn’t give up… much as I wanted to. Other runners were very encouraging. About 2km to the finish I was almost at a crawl. I stopped to ‘reset’ – stretching my arms in the air. A fellow runner called out “go on you can do it”… I took off to finish my race on my terms. Stumbling across the line into the arms of 2 first-aiders… but not before stopping my watch at the credible 1:52 time (7:30min PB!). The poor fellows were dumbstruck that I was more interested in my PB than being able to stand up! I want to remind you all that so much of your race is in your head. I was aiming for a pleasant sub-2hr half-marathon but went all-out when I felt great on the day. Thank you Debbie and my fellow BEXI Runners for all the support and training. Love the BEXI support network! Now bring on Gold Coast Half-Marathon! They tell me it’s flat and I now have a sub 1:45 to chase. Felicity Douglas 1:52 Half-Marathoner Inspirational BEXI Runner  

The Power of Running Buddies

The value we place on our running buddies is enormous. From getting us out of bed in the morning, to pushing ourselves harder in training, to encouraging us to go the distance (when we believed we could never get there).  This became all the more evident between two BEXI buddies who trained together for the recent Canberra Marathon. Steve Crosby shares his gratitude to his run buddy for getting him over the finish line – read his inspirational story: If you have ever pondered the question, should you run a marathon? I would respond by borrowing the appropriate phrase, “just do it!”. I had never in my life, ever considered running a marathon. I guess I had subconsciously discounted such a ridiculous concept without ever really considering it. Then one day pondering how I could improve my triathlon running, the answer just appeared. Train for the ultimate goal in endurance running, a marathon. 18 weeks later I was on the start line standing next to my running buddy, Belinda Gremmo, eagerly awaiting the starter’s gun to sound. The actual race is ‘only’ 42.2km. I say only because to make it to that start line I actually ran 587 Km’s. It is in these 587 Km’s that you forge the endurance, fitness, will power, determination and skills to run those last 42.2km. Running is often considered a solo activity, not so when you run with Beauty of Exercise. The focus encouraged by Debbie Solms is clearly on improving your fitness and running ability in a supportive community and buddy based running environment. In hind sight my running buddy Belinda and I may have unintentionally taken that ethos to the extreme. During training we are paired with one or several buddies that have a similar pace or fitness level. Then during the weekly runs you gradually get to know those buddies and them you. My experience has been that running with a buddy of similar ability has a wealth of advantages apart from the obvious ones such as good company and fun conversation. Your buddy can motivate and push you to run harder and faster. They can pick you up when you are struggling. They can support you when you are injured. They also make you accountable for turning up to training even when you are tired and it is cold and raining. Prior to the marathon, Belinda and I had discussed if we would run together and we agreed we would start together and then run our own race as required. As it turned out after 18 weeks and 500 Km’s of running together, our stride, pace and even breathing was almost identical. Comically in the race photos of us, even our waving and smiles to our families were in sync. The first half of the race flew by with easy conversation and great scenery. At the half way mark we were spurred on by our brightly coloured family singing, cheering, smiling, high fiving and holding motivational signs. What an awesome boost. Later in the race there were several times when either Belinda or I were struggling with pain or fatigue and our resolve waivered. At those times the true power of a running buddy shone through, we were able to say just the right words of encouragement to get each other back on track. In the end we crossed the finish line together, raised our arms in victory together and even hilariously stopped our watches together. We had achieved our individual goals together. I loved every minute of marathon, even when it hurt. And my buddy Belinda is greatly responsible for that. Thanks buddy! Next time you are running with someone, try to be the best running buddy you can, it may just help you get across the finish line. Steve Crosby (& Belinda Gremmo) 3:58 Marathoners

My first Half-Marathon

From nursing a broken fibula in 2014, to standing on the start-line for her first ever half-marathon on Sun 12 April. Amanda Green, our most humble and modest Beauty of Exercise (BEXI) runner, took to the start line of the half-marathon at the recent Australian Running Festival in Canberra. Forever shying away from races, Amanda was encouraged by her BEXI buddies to join them for the Canberra Half-Marathon. From the very start, Amanda committed 100% to her training program and soon started to shine as a star-runner. We proudly followed her every progress and could not wait to cheer her on come race day. Below is Amanda’s account of her journey to the start-line of her first half-marathon: As I awaited the sound of the horn to start this year’s Australian Running Festival, I could not help but wonder…. how did I end up here? This was my first ever half marathon, something I had never even considered doing this time last year, so how was it that I was standing at the start line and I actually felt good? The answer came easily, pure and simple, the support. I recall the first training session Debbie organised for us. As always, she had brought together a lovely group of kind, funny, caring, supportive, interesting and entertaining people with whom it was a pleasure to spend time with.  From the moment I rocked up I felt welcome and at ease and knew the 12 week preparation would be comprehensive, professional and nurturing. Needless to say, as the weeks passed I was not disappointed with the level of commitment and support from the BEXI community. Surprisingly, as the distances for the training increased so did the smiles, although they were more grimaces when it came to the interval training. Yes, how could we forget the gruelling interval sessions which challenged us each week yet somehow we all managed to dig deep and surpass what we thought were unachievable times. Despite having different goals the camaraderie grew stronger to the point we had to tone down our enthusiasm and vocal support for one another to avoid noise complaints. Of course, injury did not escape us but was handled sensibly. Massage became a common word and the online discussions about nutrition, injury prevention and running accessories were both helpful and entertaining. Those in the group with previous experience in half marathons and marathons graciously gave their time to share their experiences, encourage others and manage anxiety. So, by the time I found myself in Canberra enjoying dinner together as all of our families got to know one another more, I think we were all feeling good. Our families clapped and cheered as much as we did as Debbie showed the beautiful clip that she and Liza had so thoughtfully organised. The footage reinforced the important role our running buddies play, especially on the tougher days when we are challenged with injury, extreme weather conditions, illness, exhaustion and the myriad of daily life experiences that running lets us process. So, as I awaited the start along with my BEXI buddies, I felt so grateful to be exactly where I was and thought of my BEXI buddies who were not able to race that day, but were with us in spirit and spurring us on from near and afar. Oh and who at that moment popped up in the crowded sideline, none other than the incredibly talented, supportive and stoical Liza. The woman is the epitome of BEXI!!!  I smile, wave and breathe as Debbie joins Liza to cheer us on and I think of all the BEXI community lining the streets today to cheer us Canberra BEXIs on, our families and of the marathoners already running. With a hoot of the horn the crowd surged forward and I smiled as I knew I could and I would. Amanda Green 1:44 Half-Marathoner (25th in age-group – top 8%)  

Junior BEXI shines at Canberra

It was indeed a family-affair at the recent Australian Running Festival on 11/12 April. Dad Shawn running the marathon; twin-sister Kristine running the half-marathon; and mum Suzanne & son Austin (6yrs) running the 5km. An awesome event to do as a family. Young Austin had the time of his life – proving that you’re never to young to follow in your parents’ footsteps. We’re so proud of our Junior BEXI superstar. Here’s how Mum Suzanne captured the moment… Austin chose to run the 5km to participate in Canberra alongside his dad … and also to get a well earned running medal! Austin and I trained for a couple of months leading up to the event, gradually increasing our distance.  He complained a bit, but he didn’t give up…and he got better and better each run. With race day upon us, our goal was to run as much of the race as possible and to keep positive.  My target was to cross the finish line under 45 mins. Austin was very excited and took off from the start.  He ran a very consistent first km in 6.45 – not a bad pace. We walked up the hill to Parliament House and then sprinted down the hill, approaching the last km of the race.  A few tears came at this point, but with the promise of a Rainbow Paddle Pop at the finish line, Austin found his second wind and ran home strongly.  He sprinted the final straight to the finish line and was thrilled to collect his medal! Shawn and I are both so proud of Austin.  Our Junior BEXI is already chasing that elusive PB – next stop is the 4km Mothers Day Classic in May. Suzanne Elliott Mum to Junior BEXI | BEXI Half-Marathoner, April 2015

In the Pink

Last Sunday one of our favourite Beauty of Exercise (BEXI) members, Liza Dukino, faced her fears and took part in her first ever triathlon – the Pinkie Triathlon. We are all so proud of what Liza achieved – from being anxious in the water, to having an immense fear on the bike (having had a bad stack). Liza has filled so many of us with inspiration and admiration. Below is a heartfelt story about Liza’s journey to the start-line and the actual race day – enjoy the read… When you are part of a group like BEXI an injury can leave you isolated and lonely… if you let it! In November last year an MRI showed a 50% tear of my plantar fascia and the advice was to stop. Stop meant no more training for Coastrek with the BEXI Trekkers and no more running. This was tough to deal with, with a severe case of FOMO (fear of missing out), I couldn’t imagine not being around all my BEXI mates. And bigger than that I was afraid of stopping and going back to who I was before I found my healthy lifestyle focus. I needed a new focus something that I could do that wouldn’t exasperate my injury and would still allow me to be part of the community. I had always enjoyed swimming and I had bought a 2nd hand road bike earlier in the year that was gathering dust in the garage… they became my new focus. But what to work towards? I had joined the BEXI triathletes at the Port Stephens Triathlon event that year, just tackling the swim leg for the fabulous Helen. Seeing the team tackle and conquer the swim, cycle and run all with a smile on their faces and celebrating their achievements that evening lit a little fire in my belly… that was something I wanted to achieve. So I joined the well time new Swim-FIT program with the lovely Sue Bennett and joined the Run-FIT crew on a Tuesday morning with a special tailored Liza-FIT program on the bike. A few rides on closed paths gave me the confidence to join the BEXI cycle girls on my first ride to Church Point – almost 20km and I was stoked. My confidence crew on the bike the more I joined my buddies Cass and Katja on our regular rides and my swimming was improving as I learned about my stoke and bilateral breathing. Now, it was time to give all this effort a focus… the Ultra course of the Pinkie Triathlon. The plan was to do the whole thing myself, just do the run on the day and deal with the consequences of the injury to the foot afterwards but I had been finally started to see an improvement. Finally, I was learning to listen to my body and decided 2 of the 3 legs was a much better option. Super Coach (SC) Debbie, a constant source of advice and support jumped at the chance of joining me to finish the tri off with the run. Along came race day and off we went, my run coach and my swim coach by my side on the trek out to Parramatta Park, I was pooing my pants I was so nervous. Waiting for the briefing to start I see 3 figures in the distance, all decked out in orange. My first thought is ‘WOW!’ – we need to get those feather boas and hats for the BEXI support crew for the Australian Running Festival in Canberra next month’. My next thought was -‘Oh s*#t’… that’s Lisa, Cass and Kris! These 3 amazing BEXI friends had taken time away from their families on a Sunday morning to come and support me. I welled up. I was so touched and overwhelmed by the support of those girls there on the day and all the positive support from those who couldn’t be there. So with my BEXI friends cheering by the side of the pool I jumped into my first triathlon, maybe my second if you count Port Stephens but this time I was adding on another leg. The event was tough but the whole time I had a smile on my face because I was there, I was actually doing it! I tagged SC and off she went, blitzing all the other runners and I joined her for the last 50m and we ran through the finish together. Phew it was done, now where is that champagne? So my advice in all of this is, never let an injury let you feel isolated and lonely because there is a fabulous BEXI community around you that will train with you and support you in whatever goal it is you set out to achieve. Liza Dukino BEXI Triathlete, March 2015  

Reflections of Coastrek 2015

I am continually inspired by our wonderful Beauty of Exercise team who put their heart, sweat and tears into training and preparing for various events. This year’s Coastrek – 55km coastal walk from Palm Beach to Balmoral – is another example of true camaraderie. Below is a heartfelt insight from one of our ‘BEXI Trekkers’… As I sit in my cosy warm home this morning I am grateful that today is not the day to embark on a 55km walk. It is grey and misty today, a far cry from the beautiful sunny day of Friday 6th March, 2015… the day of Sydney’s Coastrek. This is an event that brings together over 3500 people, with the aim of walking 55km over every beautiful beach and headland between Palm Beach (on the northern beaches of Sydney) to Balmoral. All in the aid of the Fred Hollows Foundation, which brings sight back to the needlessly blind. But the walk was more than just fundraising for a great cause. It is about grit, determination and most importantly about camaraderie and great friendships. As the seasoned coastrekker in the group (ie. I had attempted it a few years ago), I knew what was ahead. Encouraged by the enthusiasm of all the ladies in the BEXI Trekkers team (walkers and support crew), I got up early on the hallowed sleep-in day (Sunday) to join in the training walks. These days were great fun and a wonderful way to start the day. Who can pass up the opportunity of a ‘gentle’ beach stroll, a good chin wag and a good coffee… and all at the same time. Heaven really! But as the day got closer trepidation set in. Our fundraising goal was achieved (and superceded thanks to the generous souls out there). The support crew and logistics for the day were organised. However, I knew what was ahead of me and knew that it was not going to be all rosy. The sore feet, sore legs, blisters and SAND …. everywhere ! We arrived at Palm Beach early in the morning to be greeted by the most magnificent sunrise to start the day. Someone upstairs had been listening. The weather was not too wet, not too hot, not too cold, not too windy. Perfect really! The air was filled with excitement but despite the laughter and banter there was a little bit of anxiety in the air as well. Yet all that anxiety melted away when we crossed the start line heading down Palm Beach, heading for Balmoral in the distance, somewhere. I could go on forever but that would be boring so I’ve listed some of the highlights : A early morning snack of Lemonade icy-pole. Liza, how did you know that that would hit the spot perfectly. Coming off Mona Vale beach and seeing our angels, the beautiful smiling faces of Liza Dukino and Ingrid Taylor waiting with cold drinks and cold watermelon… exactly what the doctor ordered. Narabeen Lagoon – our support crew of angels and head angel, Debbie Solms. The salty chips at Long Reef. Again, exactly what was needed. Dee Why – Ingrid placating Lisa after her icy pole fell on the ground. (Best lower lip action I’ve seen in quite some time!) Manly – our on-call coffee crew. Balmoral – everyone! And the champagne at the end was perfect. Lisa’s video blog – she left the best til last. (Amazing the effects of drugs and alcohol!) Camadarie amongst all the walkers, the volunteers and the locals who were out cheering everyone on. I cannot finish off without thanking my team. There were times (esp Warriewood-Collaroy) when I was struggling. However, they were there to encourage and support me all the way. They would wait for me and never complained at how slow I was walking. I think that without me they would have done the walk in a record time! However, we were in it as a team…and everyone knows that Together Everyone Achieves More! Kirsten Prescott – She had been quite ill during the week but hadn’t said anything to the team as she didn’t want to let us down. As if they were even remotely possible. Lisa Bale – She pushed through despite the horrific blisters that started fairly early on in the walk. Not a complaint from her either. Kym Gray – A fine example of consistency and determination. She didn’t waver at all during the whole time, and all done with a great smile. Liza Dukino, Ingrid Taylor and Debbie Solms – being at the right place at the right time and saying the right things. Your support means more than you’ll ever know. And last but certainly not least, my family – for putting up with me being away and grumpy and sleeping all day the following day. 55km’s in 14.5 hours is not easy but with the help of gusty, determined, yet gentle, caring and beautiful souls it was a day I shall hold dear. Lucia Hains Bexi Trekker, March 2015  

Camaraderie at the Fore

The Oxford English Dictionary defines Camaraderie as ‘the mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together’. That is exactly what our community at Beauty of Exercise (BEXI) is all about. We support each other through the lo’s, celebrate the hi’s… or just have a good laugh with each other.   A perfect example was at our interval training session earlier in the week. We had three groups training together – 1) Run-FIT; 2) Race-FIT half-marathoners; and  3) Race-FIT marathoners. It was a very tough session – 2km | 1.5km | 1km | 800m – all at fast tempo paces. The final 800m rep was intended for the marathon group only.  The other two groups were gloating that they had finished and didn’t have to do another rep… until they noticed their ‘buddies’ getting ready for the last rep. Not wanting to leave them unsupported, they jumped up and rallied around them for their final 800m rep. This truly highlighted what an awesome Beauty of Exercise community we have fostered over the past 3yrs. One which is filled with a great sense of camaraderie, team support, motivation and inspiration. Our BEXI community are always there for each other – if someone needs a buddy to run with, we are there to support them. If someone is having a bad day, we are there to lift them up. If someone  is lacking motivation, we are there to inspire them. The true spirit of our BEXI community. That’s what makes us so special. That’s what we love so much! Debbie Solms Debbie Solms is an accredited Personal Trainer, Run Coach and founder of Beauty of Exercise – an inspiring women’s running group on Sydney’s Northern Beaches  

The Power of Setting Goals

Why are goals so powerful? Because they give us a purpose; they help propel us forward; they help us believe in ourselves; they hold us accountable; and they help us live life to the fullest. Three months into 2015, we are proud of the progress our Beauty of Exercise members have been making: Our Run-FIT team completed their 10km Sun Run event in February – huge kudos to Amanda Green for placing 3rd in her age-group; Our BEXI Trekkers completed their 55km Coastrek event last week;  Our committed Race-FIT team are in serious training-mode for the marathon and half-marathon events at the Australian Running Festival in April;  Our inspirational beginner runners and walkers are four weeks away from achieving their first 5km parkrun; and Our fabulous beginner swimmers are gaining confidence in the water as they prepare for their Pinkie Triathlon at end-March. Goals drive success! So if you’re looking for success, we’ve got some awesome programs planned for the upcoming autumn term: – Gold Coast Airport Marathon (& half-marathon/10km) – RUN BETTER Workshop – 5km-FIT – Walk-FIT – Swim-FIT Put your feet up and read about the above in our latest newsletter – http://goo.gl/Louw8x