
How to sum up the UTA50?

19 months in the making.

On, off, back on, back off. An absolute rollercoaster of a journey. We became very resilient during the 19months. Continuing to train, changing goals, adjusting milestones – always moving forward.

The 2021 date was finally confirmed and once again we set out with renewed focus and drive. Fifteen weeks of dedicated training, discovering new trails, bonding with our team and stumbling across many playgrounds!

  • Alexander Street was a curse… but in the end it turned out to be our saviour.
  • The thousands of stairs that we endured during our training in the Blue Mountains was a godsend.
  • The on-course training with Coach Andy Smith (North Shore Running & Fitness) and Blue Mountain Fitness was a game-changer. Knowing exactly what we were in for – and when – was not only humbling… but the necessary evil.
  • The nutrition advice from Tamara Madden was invaluable. Again, highlighting the fact that if you get this wrong – all your training goes down the proverbial (Fuber) stairs.

The weekend finally arrived – as did the cold-front! Race check-in was flawless. Early dinner in the ballroom at The Carrington Hotel (very civilised!) – and then off to bed.

Race morning was freezing cold! Early breakfast, short coach ride to the start – no waiting around – and then we were off. The logistics worked like clockwork. The nervous excitement and atmosphere was electric. It felt so good to be part of an event again. Being surround by like-minded crazy people, in a stunning part of Australia. Very special!

The event was split into 4 key checkpoints – we focused on each one at a time. Fairmont Hotel (17.2km), Queen Vic Hospital (28.4km), Emergency Aid Station (41.2km) and then the finish at Scenic World (50km). The checkpoints were a highlight – the food, the volunteers, the support. Refuelling, adding more layers, adjusting backpacks, fixing bladders, toilet stops, etc.

Banter on the course with other runners is always entertaining. It is so much fun meeting new people and talking about random things. The support and encouragement out on the course is invaluable. A few BEXI runners took a tumble, but they were scooped up and helped back on the trails again.

There were ups and downs – literally and figuratively. Mentally, it was a case of finding our rhythm; fuelling, hydrating, using mindset tools, taking caffeine, digging deep, and soaking up the energy around us to pull us through to the end.

Chasing a dream is a never-ending negotiation. You have to keep navigating, pivoting, adapting and persisting. It’s never in a straight line.

The final kilometre approached! We all knew what was coming – around 1,000 steps to the finish. This required pure mental strength – our physical strength was completely depleted. Mind engaged… and we start counting. One to one hundred. And again! And again!

The end was in sight. The cheering and cowbells from the spectators was sensational! We’re almost there! Keep counting! Keep focused! Keep climbing! Quads screaming, knees hurting… but the cowbells got louder and louder.

Finally, the steps ended and we had a short run on the ramp up to Scenic World. The crowds were going crazy! A burst of energy kicked in and we were being carried away to the finish line!

YES… we can do it! YES… we have got this! YES… WE HAVE DONE IT!!


“Successful people don’t just ride out the Dip. They don’t just buckle down and survive it. No, they lean into the Dip. They push harder, changing the rules as they go. Just because you know you’re in the Dip doesn’t mean you have to live happily with it. Dips don’t last quite as long when you whittle at them.”  Seth Godin (The Dip)

Thank you Ultra-Trail Australia and Blue Mountains National Park for hosting an absolutely phenomenal event. We will be back! 

We’re supporting you!

We have all been affected by the highly contagious COVID-19 virus. Our races have been cancelled and we are feeling disappointed, lost and rather numb by the unknown situation.


Without a doubt, exercise is the one key factor that will get us through this crazy time. It will help with stress, anxiety, mental health, physical health… including boosting our immune system.

To support our BEXI community, we have created a few 8-week training programs which gives you the opportunity to train on your own;  or with us in the great outdoors (applying social distancing, of course!).  These programs include 3 x ‘non-event’ events during the course of the training – with the grand finale at the end.

We’ve planned some super-fun ‘non-event’ events that include road running and trail running.  They will be challenging, but more importantly – these events will give us a sense of purpose, a goal 8-weeks to have fun training with your buddies (or on your own).

If you’re looking for a FREE training program to keep you focused over the next 8-weeks, choose from the following:
  • BEXI50 – Trail running program, building up to the 50km distance on the trails (replacing UTA50)
  • BEXI22 – Trail running program, building up to the 22km distance on the trails (replacing UTA22)
  • BEXI42 – Road running program, building up to the marathon distance on the roads (replacing Canberra/London Marathon)
  • BEXI21 – Road running program, building up to the half-marathon distance on the roads (replacing SMH 21km)
  • BEXI21-Relay – Road running program, building up to the half-marathon relay distance on the roads (replacing SMH 21km relay)


Our aim is to keep you training – so that you have a purpose, are happy and stay healthy (physically and mentally).  Stay safe. Look out for each other. Community is everything.