
Runner, friend and all the things you never knew!

I love chatting to people when I run!  It’s often the best time to find out more about the person you are running with and learn something new. Often at the end of a run, I come away in awe of the person that I’ve just run with. This is becoming the norm within our BEXI community. We have an amazing community of women, who have an truly exceptional pool of talent, skill and expertise. Many of whom are humble (which I like) and don’t go bragging about all the things they’ve achieved — which is why I want to ‘shine a spotlight’ on them.

Today’s spotlight is on the gorgeous Clare Davies (second from left):

Clare is married to Neil Davies – a social worker working with homeless adolescents. They have an 18yr old son, Charlie, who was born on the 1st January 2000! Clare, originally from the UK, moved to Australia in 2003.

Clare is a Registered Nurse (30years this year!), specialising in paediatric and adolescent health. She was a paediatric nurse consultant for 13 years before moving into academia in 2016.

Her academia responsibilities include being a Lecturer in Nursing at Sydney Nursing School at The University of Sydney – where she teaches nursing leadership, clinical governance and child and adolescent health.

If this is not enough… Clare does clinical shifts every couple of weeks (because she loves it!) at Royal North Shore Hospital in Children’s Ward, Neonatal Unit and Paediatric Emergency Department.

In addition to all the above… Clare is also a PhD student at Sydney Nursing School. Her research is focused on the implementation of the United Nations Children’s Rights Charter in healthcare. She is about to start data collection at Sydney Children’s Hospital asking children about their experiences.

In her spare time (haha!)… Clare sings in a choir (Northern Beaches Chorus) and a quartet ( Sista).

Sista competes every year in the Australian Women’s National Barbershop Competition. They have consistently placed in the top 5 for the last 7 years ( photos below!). In 2015, Clare auditioned and was lucky enough to get picked to represent Australia, with 60 other singers, in the Women’s Barbershop World Championships in Las Vegas. They came 10th which was very exciting as it was the first time an Australian choir had gotten into the top 10!

Asked what a typical day looks like:

“It is really hard to pinpoint a typical day, as each day is so varied! It could be lecturing and meeting with students, working on her thesis or caring for sick children and their families who have been admitted to hospital. It means I never get bored.”

We are super-proud to have you part of our BEXI family. Thank you for sharing an insight into your incredibly fulfilling life.