Our BEXI Spring Fling takes place on Sat 19 Sept 2020. It’s a fun run which follows the magnificent coastline from the Sydney Opera House to Manly Beach. Runners choose their distance and where they would like to start. We all cross the finish line at Little Manly Beach to the cheer from our BEXI buddies. Our aim is to have fun and take in the stunning beauty that the Northern Beaches has to offer.
Start on the steps of the Opera House – hug the coastline all the way towards Little Manly Beach.
We will meet 5.15am at Collaroy SLSC and car pool to the Opera House – start 6am. Support vehicle will meet you key meeting points to provide you with drinks and nutrition. Celebrate the finish as you cross the finish line at Little Manly Beach.
→ Detailed 35km instructions

Start at Taronga Zoo – hug the coastline all the way to Little Manly Beach.
We will meet 5.45am at Manly Library Carpark and car pool to Taronga Zoo – start 6.30am. Support vehicle will meet you at regular meeting points to provide you with drinks and nutrition. Celebrate the finish as you cross the finish line at Little Manly Beach.
→ Detailed 20km instructions

Start at the Spit Bridge – follow the Spit-to-Manly Walk, all the way to Little Manly Beach.
We will meet 6.45am at Manly Library Carpark and car pool to the Spit Bridge – start 7.30am. Follow the Spit-to-Manly walk. Celebrate the finish as you cross the finish line at Little Manly Beach.
→ Detailed 10km (one-way) instructions

Start at Little Manly – follow the Manly-to-Spit walk, turn around at 5km mark and return to start at Little Manly Beach.
We will meet 7.15am at Little Manly Beach (left of Manly Ferry) – start 7.30am. Follow the Spit-to-Manly walk, turn-around at 5km. Celebrate the finish as you cross the finish line at Little Manly Beach.
→ Detailed 10km (out/back) instructions

Start at Little Manly – follow the Manly-to-Spit walk, turn around at 2.5km mark and return to start at Little Manly Beach.
We will meet 7.45am at Little Manly Beach (left of Manly Ferry) – start 8am. Follow the Spit-to-Manly walk, turn-around at 2.5km. Celebrate the finish as you cross the finish line at Little Manly Beach.
→ Detailed 5km (out/back) instructions

Nutrition & Fuel
It is important that each runner is self-sufficient on the day. Please carry your own hydration and nutrition supplies.
As a guideline runners should consume 30-45gms* of carbohydrate per hour (*dependent on body weight, experience and pace). If you are running for 4 hours – aim to carry 5-6 gels (or equivalent carbs – sports drink, chews, bloks). If you are running 2-2½ hours – aim to carry 2-3 gels.
Hydration guidelines should be based on 600mls* per hour (*dependent on your sweat rate, weather conditions and length of event). If you are prone to cramps or sweat excessively – ensure you take on electrolytes and salt tablets. (Note – there are electrolytes in some gels/sports drinks.)
If you concerned about your nutrition, please contact Tamara Madden at Mad on Nutrition.
What to Bring
Dress in layers, as it will be cool to start. Wear your BEXI singlet (preferably), shorts/leggings, visor/cap , sunglasses, sunscreen, vaseline (for chaffing), watch/GPS, socks, running shoes, hydration bladder (optional), waist belt (optional), nutrition (see above).
On-course Support
A BEXI support vehicle will be on-course supporting the 35km and 20km runners at key meeting points. Drinks and nutrition will be provided at these support stops. The vehicle will also carry drop-off bags for change of clothing at finish.
Who can Join
This is not a sanctioned event or registered race, it is simply a social fun run for our BEXI members, friends and family. The more the merrier!
COVID-19 Safety Plan
Based on recent guidelines from the NSW Chief Health Officer (14 Sept 2020), we are limited to group sizes of 20 max at outdoor public gatherings. We will therefore be directing participants once they cross the ‘finish line’, to various designated meeting points in the area. |