
The Pool or the Ocean?

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

The start of a new year is often a time set new goals.  One of the most common goals is to ‘learn something new’.  We love the positiveness of this goal. It is not about quitting something (removing from our lives) – instead, it’s about adding a sense of value to our lives.

Why do we  encourage you to learn something new – here’s our top 5 reasons:

  • It’s fun!
  • It offers you a sense of accomplishment and pride
  • It adds more time in your day – you value time more and use it better
  • It enables you to meet new people and form friendships
  • It builds your self-esteem and confidence

Lastly & importantly (which really makes it 6 reasons) – it makes you HAPPY! A core need for psychological well-being.


If you’re looking for a positive, self-growth goal – we’d love to invite you to join one of our newest Learn-to-Programs. These flagship programs are what we are all about – passion in sharing our skills, and enabling others to grow and flourish. There’s no greater investment.

In signing off – we’d like to leave you with a beautiful quote from the amazing Christopher Reeve:

“Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool, or you go out in the ocean.” 


Yours in community,
~ Debbie & Team BEXI


Learn-to-Cycle:  starts Sat 1 Feb, 2-3.30pm

Learn-to-Run:  starts Sat 8 Feb, 8-9am

Learn-to-Ocean Swim:  starts Sun 9 Feb, 8-9am

Learn-to-Trail Run:  starts Sat 15 Feb, 10-11am (new dates/time!)