Finding your Tribe

I recently enjoyed a fascinating interview on ‘How to Be Well’ with Dr Frank Lipman  – US Doctor and functional & integrative medicine expert.  Concluding his interview, Dr Lipman was asked to leave the listeners with one key take-home point. His response – COMMUNITY:

“If your goal is to live a healthy and happy life, make Connection and Community an essential part of your wellness equation.” (Dr Frank Lipman)

Creating community or ‘finding your tribe,’ offers a number of mood-elevating, well-being benefits that include:

  • inspiration and motivation
  • a sense of purpose and meaning
  • the opportunity to improve your life and positively impact others
  • an expanded social circle
  • the potential for personal and professional growth
  • plus many more…

It  involves coming together for shared experiences that may require some effort and commitment. It involves a level of interdependence, in which individuals rely on each other to meet basic needs, plus, consistency. A tribe typically also demands a level of challenge. Real bonds often require vulnerability, perhaps a bit of discomfort, and a genuine need for giving and receiving.

Our BEXI community offers all of the above. We’re a supportive community, who have a vested interest and passion for  ‘supporting women move’.  This could be anything from learning-to-run, to completing a marathon, or even trying a triathlon. These events bring our community together and form very deep and meaningful bonds.

If you are looking for ‘your tribe’ then we would like to invite you to join our wonderful community. You won’t regret it!

Debbie Solms
BEXI Community Member