Bike Turbo Coach

Love who you are today, not who/what you want to be tomorrow.

Natalie has always had a keen interest in healthy living and keeping fit. From being on the first team for netball at high school, to swimming in National Championships, Natalie studied a Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Dietetics – while coaching group fitness classes.

Following her university days, Natalie continued to coach group fitness classes at one of the largest fitness centres in South Africa, while building her marketing career in the medical nutrition industry.

Now living and working in Australia, Natalie has switched her fitness focus to triathlons. For Natalie there is nothing better than pushing past her fitness barriers to prove that anything is possible. Nothing compares to that elation of finishing a race or a training session and achieving your personal best time because it gives you the confidence to push even harder the next time.

Natalie’s list of achievements include completing several Half-Ironman events, cycling races, open water swimming and running events.  She has a couple of big goals – completing a full marathon, as well as completing a full-Ironman – even though today it seems like an audacious goal.

As a coach, Natalie says it is particularly rewarding to see the progress of our BEXI members.  This progress can simply be finding the confidence to show up to training session, or completing a first race/event.  We all have to start somewhere and it always starts with a single step. Natalie believes that to be successful on your journey you need to love who you are today, not who/what you want to be tomorrow.

Natalie is super-passionate about supporting our BEXI members who are embarking on a fitness journey.